
“The drive-by technorati are well-informed, curious and always probing. They’re also hiding… hiding from the real work of creating work that matters, connections with impact and art that lasts.” – Seth Godin

Why I’m Not Pre-Ordering the iPad2

“I’d also argue that Apple is breaking an implicit promise it made with buyers of the first 150 million plus number of iPhones, iPod Touchs and iPads. We wanted the next great personal computing platform, not Disney World in our pocket.” Plus, just thinking about iOS’s hub-and-spoke-UI makes me tired.

How to Reclaim Disk Space After Deleting Lots of MySQL Records

Turns out MySQL’s InnoDB engine isn’t (by default) very enthusiastic to give back disk space if after mass deletions (say, a DELETE * or a TRUNCATE TABLE). The fix is a little unsettling, but it’s also simple (and with a modestly size db – fast). Back up the db (you should doing this anyway, but …