Keep Digging Yourself

“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” – e.e. cummings

“There are a lot of people that don’t start making money until you briefly forget who you are.” – Merlin Mann

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The Future of Publishing: Cory Doctorow

“My guiding principle in this project has been thrift. Without a publisher to capitalize the book, I’m doing my darndest to spend money only when it makes me money. Lucky for me, today’s world is one where that constraint is well accommodated. Obviously, the print-on-demand paperbacks don’t cost anything — the book doesn’t exist until you order and pay for it! And I’d doing the limited hardcovers in lots of 20, to minimize my expense there. The CDs of the audiobook are also produced on demand, of course.” – Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow’s With a Little Help is the closest model I’ve seen to my vision for the future of publishing.

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The Rumors of Quicksilver’s Death are Melodramatic

It was a good run. So long, old friend.” – Merlin Mann

It’s just that given the choice between helping to keep something you love alive, and very publicly declaring it dead, I’m not sure why you’d choose the latter.” – Rob McBroom

It seems a tad melodramatic to declare a functioning piece of open source software dead. Especially when the most likely alternative is neither free nor open.

One of the core premises of open source software is not being tied to the whims of a vendor. Quicksilver faithfully serves me everyday. Sure, I’d like Quicksilver to be a more active project – I have direct control over that. Just as you do, just as Merlin does, just as Rob McBroom does (Thanks Rob.). Declaring Quicksilver dead is like declaring Wikipedia worthless because of a typo.

Merlin, by the way, could you check the mp3 URLs for the 43Folders Podcast – specifically, Honor Thy Energy? I was looking to give it a re-listen earlier this week, and came up with a 404. :/

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