“Natural philosophy or the philosophy of nature (from Latin philosophia naturalis), is a term applied to the study of nature and the physical universe that was dominant before the development of modern science. It is considered to be the precursor of natural sciences such as physics.” – Wikipedia It seems significant that Western culture’s first …
Category Archives: General
Minnesota’s Startup Scene in Twin Cities Business Magazine
‘Saving Innovation’ – Dan Haugen’s article on our vibrant meet-up scene and how it supports innovation & entrepreneurship was published in the October 2010 issue of Twin Cities Business Magazine. Dan did a great job on the topic – with quotes from some of my favorite people in town as well as yours truly. The …
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If You’re Going To Accomplish One Thing Today
Stick your head out the window and yell. Bonus: A super fun Kleptones mashup with Howard Beale [mp3] Update 13 Oct 2010: My favorite line from the monologue: “You people are the real thing, we’re the illusion.”
Sort it out
I assume that the signs are either: a) a joke commenting on the ridiculousness of sorting waste b) part of a research study Both of which, based on my experience, are highly likely in Germany. Let’s assume for a moment they’re neither. Instead, let’s assume – there’s some ongoing business value to signage – what …
GarrickVanBuren.com eBook Draft 1 Released
Late last night, I emailed the first draft of the GarrickVanBuren.com eBook to those that pre-ordered it (hereby known as ‘The Backers’). This initial draft includes 27 posts from this blog tied into 6 larger themes (“What’s Wasted”, “I Don’t Care What Everyone Thinks”, “Omnipresence”, “Self-Containment”, “Listful”, “Unexpired Potential”). As I mentioned in my message …
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“Permission, on creative matters, is for cowards.” – Scott Berkun
“Permission, on creative matters, is for cowards.” – Scott Berkun
Seth Godin on Book Publisher’s New Functions
This afternoon, I listened to Seth Godin’s 45 minute talk about now the economics of internet-based publishing and communication are changing book publishing. In short – ebooks aren’t it. In fact – it’s not actually about books at all. It’s about connecting people to ideas. Where the publisher has the people and is continually looking …
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Say ‘Hi’ Auggie.
Maybe you’re reading a book, or watching a movie, or working on something with your full concentration – and you realize you’ve been holding your breath. You have no idea how long you’ve been holding your breath. How long you’ve been focused solely on this one thing. But, it’s been a while. And you snap …
How to Consistently Un-motivate Yourself
“Less blogging, more jogging,” my friends.” – Alex Tabarrok The above quote is from an excellent post on how incentives – both their creation and manipulation – negatively influence motivation towards a goal. Feels like part of this phenomenon is covered by Goodhart’s Law (“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a …
Three Things Wrong with Heath Care
Earlier this week, at a local medical facility for a basic checkup – I was presented with a ‘Consent for Treatment’ document. Here are 3 brief excerpts from that document I feel highlight the incentives healthcare provider have to perform increasing costly services thus inflating healthcare costs. “I agree to any care (tests, treatment, medicines, …