How I Learned to Get Up Before My Kids

Despite a bad habit of staying up until 2am most nights, I hadn’t used an alarm clock for at least 6 years. Likely a decade. When I was up that late actively working on a project (versus binge listening to music or watching Netflix), I’d joke my ‘second day’ was from 8pm – 2am. Yes, …

What The Princess Bride Can Teach Independent Consultants

I’ve frequently joked that I take much of my approach to working as an independent consultant from The Princess Bride. Knowing all jokes are half true, Patrick Rhone asked me for the punch line. Here are six: “Let’s look on the bright side: we’re having an adventure, Fezzik, and most people live and die without …

3 Principles of Success for Independent Professionals

Garrick, Hi! I’ve heard about you for a few years now (originally from Richard Fink), and have enjoyed reading your blog posts. As a web designer who’s striking out on his own to learn programming and build his own business, do you have any advice? Cheers! – Josh For the past decade, I’ve been working …

By Contrast

“Life lasts a long time. You can disappear or be useless for weeks. If you are coming off several years of hard work, you can disappear and be useless for months… and the only impact that it will have on your success is that it will make you more successful.” – Bryan Goldberg