Importance Persists

I woke up a to an inspiring post from Michael Janssen, one of Cullect’s biggest supporters:

“Still, I hope Cullect can come back in some form in the future, as it was hands down the best reader that I had ever used.”

Wow. That means a great deal to me.

Cullect was originally built during a time of stagnation within feed readers. Since it went down, sites like Facebook and Twitter have increased the number of people comfortable with the noisy-ness of real-time publishing and processing. Simultaneously, the innovation those services once provided has also stagnated. Additionally, many of the services Cullect integrated with are also down for the count.

Though is down – the Cullect engine is still being actively worked on – it’s powering

If you’re wondering – no, I haven’t used another feed reader since Cullect.

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