“It’s Been 10 Years, You Still Amaze Me”

Today marks a decade of marriage for Jen and me.

Back then, I had no idea how dramatically our relationship would improve over the years. I didn’t know that we’d catch our stride 5 years in, nor how much easier that makes things.

Especially with the big stuff. All of which I owe to her.

Thank you.
I love you.

(oh, and yes, I’ve waited 4 years to reference the opening line from Wonderlicks’ ‘Right Crazy’)

3 thoughts on ““It’s Been 10 Years, You Still Amaze Me”

  1. Jonas

    Congratulations! It’s a fine thing to be that good with someone. Thanks for posting too, help’s the rest of us know something that good is really possible. Very nice holiday feeling to start off December.

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