How to Share Sidebars Across a WordPress Network
On a recent WordPress Network (WPMU) project, I’ve needed to display the same sidebar and associated widgets across all the sites in the entire network.
Since switch_to_blog()
has been deprecated and an attempt at monkey-patching sent me deeper into the bowels of WordPress than I felt was warranted…
I turned all the necessary widgets into pages and used get_blog_post($blog_id, $post_id)
to build the widgets by hand.
<?php $posts = array(5304, 5322, 5309, 5310, 5301, 5299); foreach ($posts as $post_id) : ?>
<?php $post = get_blog_post(1, $post_id ); setup_postdata($post); ?>
<div class="widget">
<h4><?php the_title(); ?></h4>
<div class="textwidget">
<?php the_content(); ?>
</div><!-- widget -->
<?php endforeach; ?>
The downside – widgets need to be manually added, moved, and removed from the array.
The upside – it works.
Every Beer is Miscellaneous
Great pie chart from illustrating the percentages of beer recipes within that fall into recognized styles.
But these are our molehills.
Dave Continues His Opt-Out
Asocial Tech
The High Touch of the HP TouchPad
Just placed my order for the HP TouchPad.
While the “I’m interested” was handled online & confirmed via email, the reserve and subsequent order were both handled over the phone. The reps on the other end were very courteous and comfortable, and non-pushy. They even reminded me of their 21 day return policy.
An experience that made me think HP is really committed to the success of the TouchPad and the experience of it’s early adopters.
I’m excited for this devices, primarily because the WebOS operating system seems much more like how I expect the UI on these devices to work. Rather than this hunt-and-peck application selection model of iOS and Android devices. To Android’s credit, I have been able to fake an ambient information display and get the screen icons much more granular than iOS supports.
Lastly, I think Apple’s decision to de-emphasize the Dashboard/Widget model betrays their inability to innovate on the software side.