Reed, You’re Welcome

“Viewing Garrick’s Twitter opened my eyes to how social media enthusiasts were using it to connect with others in the industry, to share interesting news and resources, and to help out friends and business acquaintances by sharing their accomplishments and cross-linking. This might make Twitter sound way too business-like, but it’s not.” – Reed Smidebush

3 replies on “Reed, You’re Welcome”

  1. Aaron, I’m still not sure why Twitter shouldn’t be used as he describes. Tumblr is different, if only in that it’s not as flexible in publishing and receiving as Twitter. Plus, I’ve re-read your comment swapping in the following services and it still reads true: Pownce, FriendFeed, Campfire, Hictu, Facebook, WordPress, AOL, Skype, Twitter, Vox, LiveJournal.

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