RESTful Blogging via Email w/ Sinatra?

Somewhere in my travels I thought I saw a project that uses Sinatra and some very RESTful URLs to do blogging via email. Now I can’t find it.

If you’ve seen this as well – leave a message in the comments.

If I can’t find it in a couple of days, I think I know what my next project is.


Update 13 Dec 2010
Anil Dash asked for something like this almost 8(!!!!) years ago.

One reply on “RESTful Blogging via Email w/ Sinatra?”

  1. Hey! I found your blog by going through random bookmarks on You got some great articles here so I subscribed, and then this one got my attention.

    The idea of email-based blogging with Sinatra stuck in my mind so earlier today I tried searching for the post you’re talking about with no results.

    But, just now while doing some research on handling incoming mails on heroku, I found this:

    Maybe that’s the post you were looking for?


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