how to install fontforge on os x lion

After losing the fight with a native build-from-source multiple times, my currently recommended method of installing fontforge on the Mac OS X Lion is:

brew install fontforge
sudo brew link fontforge

Update: 23 January 2012
Austin Sabel emailed, “I was having trouble getting an old cairo font document working in Lion. This saved me. However I ran into a few problems that it looks like some other users had too. The default compiler causes an error while installing fontforge on os x Lion 10.7.2. If you change the install command to the following command it will installed without throwing an error.”
brew install fontforge --use-gcc

3 replies on “how to install fontforge on os x lion”

  1. Sorry for a newbie question, but where do I get brew :P.

    I tried to follow ./configure, make, sudo make install to install font forge, but I get
    “cvexportdlg.c:251: error: initializer element is not constant”

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