Facebook is the Future of Television

“But in the meantime the Net’s going to look way too much like the last days of TV. Which it will be.” – Doc Searls This morning, I heard a broadcast radio discussion on the future of television . First off – the host made the assumption that cable television is some sort of necessity. …

Second Guessing Social Media Buttons

“What if I had put Myspace links on, or Digg links on my stories in 2005? When you go back through the archive those would seem crazy, almost defacing of the content. Don’t those things belong in toolbars or bookmarklets?” – Dave Winer And that’s just one problem with the proliferation of ‘twitter this’, ‘Facebook …


“We are continuously challenged to discover new works of culture—and, in the process, we don’t allow any one of them to assume a weight in our minds…Our minds, no less than our bodies, require periods of fasting.” – Alaine de Botton

Shortly Over Part 2: Twitter Returns Long URLs

After maintaining years of awkward, inconsistent URL shortening behavior because of some vague argument about SMS capabilities – Twitter has announced links passed through their service may or may not be shortened to t.co. “A really long link such as http://www.amazon.com/Delivering-Happiness-Profits-Passion-Purpose/dp/0446563048 might be wrapped as http://t.co/DRo0trj for display on SMS, but it could be displayed …