Thursday, 17 March 2011

Goodhardt’s Law: Web Advertising Edition

When a user visits one of these …. sites, the Web page launches dozens of pages that are hidden from the computer user. These hidden sites are filled with paid links to legitimate websites. Unbeknownst to the user, software built into the …. sites forces the user’s computer to click on these links, sometimes hundreds of times, sending a flood of computer-generated traffic to legitimate websites. – Emily Steel

Note: I removed the adjective Emily used in her piece to describe these sites for its not that different from what JCPenny was accused of doing.

“Someone paid to have thousands of links placed on hundreds of sites scattered around the Web, all of which lead directly to” – David Segal

Towards a Modern Weblog Architecture

“It should be as easy-to-install and easy-to-use as WordPress — easier, actually, would be better. Not-requiring a database at all would be awesome. To be successful, like WordPress it would probably have to be done in PHP, since PHP remains the commonly-installed scripting system on shared webservers.” – Brent Simmons

I’m still using WordPress personally, and I still recommend it professionally. I do great deal of new site prototyping in WordPress (even if the final site isn’t). Even with the flexibility of custom post types, a fairly robust plug-in architecture, and the option of the multi-user network – I long for the lean, mean WordPress of 2004.

Or at least a viable competitor for a simple weblog in 2011.

I agree with Brent Simmons that this hypothetical system needs to have a 5-minute or less setup time. I don’t believe it should be in PHP.

I think client-side Javascript – it’s even more prevalent than PHP

For a while now I’ve been tracking Aaron Quint’s work on using sammy.js & CouchDB to build out web applications. While it’s not as technically mature as I’d like (nor do I have a sandbox up) it’s very compelling. Especially with CouchDB’s baked in versioning, feeds, and replication.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Friday, 11 March 2011

Consistent for Whom?

“A lot of Twitter’s success is attributable to a diverse ecosystem of more than 750,000 registered apps. We will continue to support this innovation. We are excited to be working with our developer community to create a consistent and innovative experience for the many millions of users who have come to depend on Twitter every day.” – Ryan Sarver

I do know that if Twitter pushed consistency from day one – it would have never reached 750,000 registered apps. And it would have never attracted the developer ecosystem it attracted.

I would have found it far more compelling if they embraced diversity, utility, and the developer ecosystem. Instead, they’re fighting to shake off the barnacles.

Bug in my Hand

Wednesday night, I came down with strep throat. Thursday, after a nurse at the clinic confirmed it – I started taking penicillin. Almost immediately, my throat was better. Also almost immediately, my hand started swelling up.

Back to the clinic, where the doctor suspects cellulitis from a minor burn I received a week ago (so minor it’s not even visible on these pictures). That was being aggravated by the penicillin She gave me a different antibiotic – one focused on the cellulitis, less so on the strep.

If the swelling goes past the black line – I head back to the clinic.

Thankfully, Jonathan Coulton has a song for this:

Thursday, 10 March 2011


“These are all fundamental aspects of Twitter, and they have been mangled. And these items do not even get into the more technical issues with Twitter’s API implementation, which I could write another blog post about. Or about how Twitter took a vibrant ecosystem full of capable developers excited about their platform that other companies can only dream about, and flushed it down the toilet.”

“From top to bottom Twitter has made product mistake after product mistake, fundamental and obvious mistakes that have significantly confused and detracted from the simplicity of the service, for little or no gain. The DickBar is just yet another of these, not some existential struggle for monetization.” – Eric Woodward


“In case it isn’t obvious, Twitter is a morass of inconsistent rules…” – Dave Winer

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Monday, 7 March 2011

Cruddy Saturday

Note: this post (like many of my others) is a record for me to track re-occurances or anomalies.

I woke up Saturday not feeling well – and it went downhill from there. Aching joints, extraordinarily tired, mild nausea, waves of chills, a strange metallic taste in my mouth, and a sharp pain in my left armpit. No cough, fever, or sore throat.

All highly unusual – none of it conducive to parenting. Especially odd as no one else in the household had any recent symptoms. Nor had I been anywhere unusual in the past couple of days. I made it through the day and went to bed when the kids did after dinner.

After sleeping fourteen hours – I was back to normal again.

This was so quick, debilitating, and out-of-nowhere – I needed to write it down.