Coming out of my third kubb tournament of 2012 and my first 6-player tournament, I’m even more convinced a 6-player kubb team is an awkward number.
This year at U.S. Nationals this year Jamie, Jim and I played under the Kubbchucks banner. I was the primary inkastare – for something like 9 hours non-stop. After the hundredth time inkasting 8 kubbs in the hot Midwestern sun, I was exhausted and didn’t want to aim and throw another god damn piece of wood.
So – first off, it’d be really good to have 2 inkastares – neither of which throw batons. At minimum a relief inkastare. Ideally, someone that can consistently inkast deep, ~7m.
That brings us up to 8 players.
There’s also huge value in having someone just watch the pitch and coach the players – both the baton throwers and the inkastares. Some one to build strategy against the evolving pitch and keep players conservative.
9 players.
In Dallas this year, the Kubbchucks had 7 players. Rotating a player in and out as we saw fit. The relief and flexibility this 7th player provided was instrumental in helping us reach the Quarterfinals.
10 players.
A serious team with enough energy and management to power through a championship bracket. And a damn lot of people behind the pitch.
Until I can build out this super team, I have a strong preference for 3 player teams.