eBook Clubbing – Not eBook Borrowing

The promise of ebooks is their inexpensiveness. Their portability. Their ability to make perfect copies of themselves so, you and your friends can read and enjoy the same text simultaneously. If ebook retailers wanted to develop a technology based on the social aspect of books – they’d make it easy to share the text I’m …

Mac App Store is a Proper OS X Package Manager?

My Ubuntu machine and my Nokia N900 both have something of an ‘app store’ in them. If we call an app store – an application that connects to platform-specific software repositories to easily install software, notify me of updates, etc. Though, in the Un*x world, these things are called package managers or application managers. The …

Terms of Services Kinda Like Open Licenses – But Evil

The Combined Arms Research Library has a good post on the upside of the latest version of Twitter’s terms of service (“Twitter can do WHAT with your photos?“) . The language is very similar to the MIT/X11 License in that the copyright holder is licensing their work to others and the licensees can do as …


“We are deeply in a situation in which the few are supporting the many: the bottom 50% of income earners paid only 2.7% of total income taxes in 2008, and 52 million taxpayers paid no income taxes at all” – Scott Grannis


“If your genius lies in some kind of creative field, then there’s a good chance you have actual mental illness to deal with” – By Elizabeth Benefiel, David Wong


“Natural philosophy or the philosophy of nature (from Latin philosophia naturalis), is a term applied to the study of nature and the physical universe that was dominant before the development of modern science. It is considered to be the precursor of natural sciences such as physics.” – Wikipedia It seems significant that Western culture’s first …

Minnesota’s Startup Scene in Twin Cities Business Magazine

‘Saving Innovation’ – Dan Haugen’s article on our vibrant meet-up scene and how it supports innovation & entrepreneurship was published in the October 2010 issue of Twin Cities Business Magazine. Dan did a great job on the topic – with quotes from some of my favorite people in town as well as yours truly. The …