Category: General
Monday, 31 October 2011
Friday, 28 October 2011
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Now I Don’t Need To Write This Myself.
This my response to OccupyWallStreet.
I’ve got three kids. A house in the burbs. Working for myself.
And not that long ago, society, and my student loan provider said, “we don’t believe in you.”
Even then I had no idea what that meant.
Today, I don’t have time to camp out in a public park – I’ve got work to do.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
“…the web is more cared for than owned”
As a follow up to my “Tomorrow It’s Amazon & Mozilla & Samsung” – a little self-promotion from your friends at Mozilla Firefox.
Monday, 3 October 2011
For the Win?
Back at the beginning of my career, my then creative director decided the best way to bring in new business to our nascent agency was to win design awards.
Not knowing any better – we all cheered and put our collective nose to the grindstone. Developing the concept, the interactions, the flow, all for a award-winning, self-promotion piece. I was responsible for programming the Director-based CD-ROM (yes, that’s how long ago it was). Once we all sufficiently tested the CD-ROM, it was duplicated and entered.
And, to all but our creative director’s surprise – the piece was included in the design annual (‘bronze’ or ‘notable mention’ or something like that). Yet – the phones didn’t start ringing and the desperately-needed new business didn’t materialize. I left about 6 months later. Then the creative director left. The shop itself folded by year’s end.
Remembering that project brings a stale and empty taste to my mouth. Like finding out a joke you’ve been retelling was offensive. It changed how I measure winning and the types of projects I take on.
To this day – it pains me to see so many professionals distracting themselves with contests rather than the hard work of making something meaningful that lasts.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Notice, the animal in the top cartoon is a chicken and the animals, stuck in the barn are pigs.
Reminds me of a story about the difference between a contribution and a commitment.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
FOSS Abhors a Vaccuum
You know, I could have sworn we already had a Linux-based, mobile-optimized operating system, with a HTML/Javascript-based application development environment.
I guess purgatory isn’t the same as open source.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Extracting iCalendar feeds from embedded Google calendars
This is an update to John Utell’s 2009 post with the same title.
If the Google embedded Calendar URL something like:….
The iCal feed is
Now you know.
(It should be – – If only Google cared about good URL design)
Friday, 23 September 2011
Tracking you like it’s going out of style
- Read the whole thing.
- Delete your cookies
- Tell your browser to refuse cookies
- Tell your favorite website publishers you resent being opt-ed into multiple third-party behavior tracking programs without a way to opt-out.