i.e. = “that is” (Latin: “id est”) e.g. = “for example” (Latin: “exempli gratia”)
Category Archives: General
I turned my notecards upside down
I turned my notecards upside down – grabbing from ‘bottom’, each task is a new surprise!
I was just reminded of something Omar at Surly Brewing told me during a podcast
I was just reminded of something Omar at Surly Brewing told me during our podcast (22 minutes in): “It’s not ‘are they drinking 1 beer’, but ‘are they drinking two’?. It’s easy to sell someone 1 beer.”
2009: A Year of Clarity
I’m excited for 2009. The New Year is just the landmark I (we?) need to shake off the malaise of 2008 and start fresh. New. My goal for the year is clarity. Clarity of priorities, clarity of mind, clarity of spirit. To achieve this clarity, I’ve identified a handful of small (easily measurable) and big …
Why Does NORAD Follow Santa?
(I’m posting this more for my reference than anything else) It all started back in 1955, when an advertisement for Sears Roebuck & Co. urged children to call Santa Claus, but misprinted the telephone number and accidentally listed the hotline for the commander in chief of the Continental Air Defense Command’ (CONAD), NORAD’s predecessor. Colonel …
Long Questions
Jen and I start our 12th year of marriage this week. We’ve been together for 15 years. There’s a good chance – Murphy willing – we’ll see our odometers flip together, that’d make 75 years of marriage. Assuming we get there, we’ve got 2 more entire lifetimes in front of us. A decade ago, my …
Micro-vicious Circles
After 3 years, nearly 1500 updates, exploration from many angles, numerous conversations, and wastebaskets full of crumpled analysis, I’m proud to say, I grok Twitter. Like I’ve never grokked it before1. I also know why Twitter, Friendfeed, Facebook, et al, are better* than WordPress, Blogger, MovableType, etc. And it’s completely the blog-engines’ fault. They’re some …
Home is Where the Blog Is
Back in June of ’08, I wrote a (relatively-speaking) lot here. Writing here is much more satisfying than almost any of my neigh 5k 160-character updates. Aside from the obvious freedom-to-be-verbose and control over visual presentation, and self-archiving, here is satisfying. Here is home. Elsewhere isn’t. When you comment here – it feels neighborly. Elsewhere …
The Wrong Stuff
“When software works, it all looks the same. When it doesn’t work, it all looks different.” “How’s that?…Fella, I said, How’s that?” “When software doesn’t work, it all looks scared.” (apologies to Tom Wolfe)
Right Now, This Blog is ESTP
Typealyzer just Myers-Briggs-ed the most recent posts on here. Turns out this blog is…. …happiest with action-filled work which craves their full attention and focus. They might be very impulsive and more keen on starting something new than following it through. They might have a problem with sitting still or remaining inactive for any period …