“What if we eventually realize that, like the alt weeklies, these are things we do because they should be done, because it’s fun, to make our little community a better place … not because they’re going to be great businesses.” – Derek Powazek
Category Archives: I Must
“but I was still hoping I had a little fire in the belly, and maybe a little gas left in the tank to make something more of myself, before I ended up with just a broken spirit and a comfortable life. and so here I am: still standing in the arena, in hand-to-hand combat with …
Change Must
It’s Also an Issue for Me.
“The things I did because I was excited and wanted them to exist in reality have never let me down and I’ve never regretted the time I spent on any of them” – Neil Gaiman While I’ve never read anything by Neil Gaiman – I feel a strong kinship towards him (of course I’ve seen …