“You might start by considering that the best-selling album of 2006 was actually the worst-selling best-selling album since Metallica back in 1991.” – Paul Kedrosky
Category Archives: Long Tail
Ad-proaching a Singularity
This weekend, stuck in the land of dial-up, I paged through a print motorcycle magazine and compared the articles against the advertisments. All the ads were for gear, motorcycle shops, or vehicles to haul your motorcycles. Essentially, indistinguishable from the articles themselves. You can do the same with any reasonably niche dead tree publication. The …
EdgeIO – Listing First Impressions
I received the preview password to EdgeIO.com today, Mike Arrington‘s new project to aggregate all blog posts using the tag ‘listing’ at a single site, all organized and such as you’d expect from a classifieds site. Since I’m trying to sell a house and blogging about it, seemed like a perfect opportunity to test it …
The Problems with Podcast Directories
I had a great lunch with Paul Cantrell today at Sushi Tango. Oh, and if you need an idea for lunch, ask Paul. He listed off a half-dozen other places that sounded just as fantastic. One of the many things we discussed was the problem of podcast ratings and categorization – i.e. the problem of …
The Niche is You
There must be something in the air, Seth Godin picked up the ‘who’s the audience when everyone publishes?’ argument. Seth is of course right – the cost of the production is quickly reaching zero. Fantastic blog software like WordPress is free – just the cost of implementation. Other hosted services are free. Once a blog …