Some Powerbook Keys Not Working

Oddest thing. I pulled the PowerBook out the laptop bag and a handful of keys stopped responding. I’ve opened up the Keyboard Viewer to confirm. Here’s the list thus far: return & enter (came back after restart) Tilde Caps Lock F12 (initiates my Dashboard) Disc eject Left square bracket Arrow up Arrow right I plugged …

eMac Is a Poor Replacement for a 17 inch Powerbook

The laptop is in the shop this week. Nothing as serious as Sam’s iBook problem, just a handful irritations I wanted to eliminated before the new year. That list: SuperDrive not accepting discs.Just made me realize how infrequently I actually use CD or DVDs. Internal speakers & microphone not working.This is a small irritant – …

Backyard + Laptop + DVD = New Drive-in

It was such a gorgeous day here in Minneapolis, I moved my home office into the backyard. Aside from a curious squirrel it was very peaceful day. This evening, I returned to the backyard and, as Jen and I have done so many evenings this week, turned on the Powerbook’s DVD player. The drive-in’s of …

Solving PowerBook Trackpad Dead Zones

For about a week, the half inch on the far left and far right of my Powerbook’s trackpad were completely dead. Basically, it turned my 17″ Powerbook trackpad down to a 12″ Powerbook trackpad. These dead zones caused extremely flakey and erratic cursor behavior not to mention my mental image of the trackpad’s size was …