If your news reader didn’t like the gFeed – I’m looking at you, NewsFire – then give it a second shot. I’ve tweaked the gFeed RSS feed and it should be more compatible with validation-hyper-sensitive readers – I’m looking at you, NewsFire. Also, if your reader supports it – NetNewsWire – the audio of the …
Category Archives: Projects
WishRSS Now Offers Buy for List Owner
I’m extremely pleased to announce an update to WishRSS. You can now purchase items from your friend’s WishList and for them, just click the “Purchase for WishList Owner” link in the list’s webpage or in the RSS feed. Of course, if you’d rather purchase it for yourself, there’s the “Purchase for Yourself” link. Enjoy. WishRSS.
Introducing the gFeed
The other morning I was looking for an easy way to test all my feeds. After a few minutes of tracking down the latest magpierss and some lunchtime programming, I’m happy to present the gFeed. The gFeed pulls all my posts at GarrickVanBuren.com, the First Crack Podcast, MNteractive.com, the Work Better Weblog, and my Flickr …
A Mac Mini in the Living Room
Since the release of the Mac Mini, I’ve been looking for reasons to pick one up. Currently, there’s a G4 tower in my basement and I’d like to return it to the 20th Century. Here’s what I’m thinking: Plug the Mac Mini into my TV, and use either the El Gato EyeTV Wonder or Plextor …