First Crack 31. The Wine Episode with Tim Elliott

Tim Elliott, from, and I met at Bev’s Wine Bar and talked wine, coffee, and technology. Links mentioned: WordPress Plugins; WP-iCal & WP-CaTT Bev’s Wine Bar (CityPage Review) Haskells, The Wine People Surdyks, Liquor and Gourmet Cheese Shop Coffee Geek Reviews of the Philips Senseo Designing Disney’s Theme Parks : The Architecture of …

Shopping Goes High-Tech

Wal-Mart’s aggressive efforts to implement RFID makes the news frequently, and you’ve probably noticed an increase in the number of stores offering self-checkout (Home Depot, Rainbow Foods, K-mart, among others). A number of other stores are experimenting other technologies poised to changed the shopping experience. The Salisbury Post has an excellent article on Bloom, the …

Collaborative Technologies at Work – Bottom Up Productivity

Corporate IT departments consider new collaborative technologies (Wikis, Weblogs, Instant Messaging) as rogue elements to be eliminated. When in fact, they are increase productivity. Ross Mayfield points to this eWeek article describing one organization’s battle with its own people. The most recent problems came to light when a network failure cut off e-mail and Web …