To Fox’s House Producers: Limp Not The Problem

The short write up on Fox’s House in the Fall TV Preview issue of Entertainment Weekly reports the producers are asking what happens if House doesn’t have his limp anymore. That’s easy. There’s no show. Poof. I said this a year ago on the subject: “House is a great character because of the contrast of …

Hugh Laurie on KCRW’s the Treatment

Elvis Mitchell interviewing Hugh Laurie from Fox’s House – my favorite new show. It’s a great listen. I was completely taken aback by Hugh’s extremely British accent. I think that’s a mark of a fantastic actor – being able to remove yourself from the character completely. On a slightly related note, Cayenne Chris‘ voice does …

House is Better than Boston Legal

When James Spader started on the Practice, his dialogue transformed the show into something worth watching. The same is true of Boston Legal, well, was true. The “We’re firing Alan Shore” storyline is tiresome. Firing Alan Shore would make all the fans stop watching. The threat alone turned me off. Fortunately, Jen introduced me to …