The Return of Fee

“For example: I’d like to see a start up set out to become the world’s best email service. For $40-$100 a year, customers would have unlimited storage, a powerful (ad free) interface, and rock solid reliability. ” – Drew Breunig


“One thing that I find missing is discovery of non-new content. The web is completely oriented around new-thing-on-top. Our brains are also wired to get a rush from novelty. But most “news” we read really doesn’t matter. ” – Evan Williams


“I sometimes think that Silicon Valley is this weird abstract hunting ground where Neo-Victorian aristocrats hunt and kill good ideas for sport, the same way their ancestors would have killed foxes.” – Giles Bowkett

Put it off.

“…Yet psychologists and behavioural economists (these charlatans) seem to think that it is a disease that needs to be remedied and cured. And pharmaceutical companies might one day come up with a pill for it. Few understand that, instead, one should lead a life in which procrastination is good, as a naturalistic decision-making.” – by …