Inspired by my son’s interest in cars, I share some stories from my car history. Listen to Garrick’s Car History [16 min].
Category Archives: Unincorporated
First Crack 91. Unincorporated #3 – The Fiberglass Skateboard Beam
The story of a 14-foot fiberglass beam and how it kept rural Wisconsin skateboarders happy. Listen to Unincorporated #3 – The Fiberglass Skateboard Beam [18 min]
First Crack 89. Unincorporated #2 – The High Point
A short story about rural junior high basketball players passing time between games. Listen to Unincorporated #2 – The High Point [12 min] UPDATE: I just got an email claiming responsibility for inventing High Point. Made me smile.
First Crack 88. Unincorporated
A short story about a private stash in a small rural community. Listen to Unincorporated [12 min]