Resorting Taxonomy Listing by Meta_Value

To sort a taxonomy in the front end by a meta_value put this in your theme: $terms = apply_filters( ‘get-terms’, array(‘taxonomy’=> ‘TAXONOMY_TO_REORDER’, ‘meta_key’ => ‘YOUR META_VALUE KEY’,’orderby’ => ‘meta_value’, ‘order’ => ‘DESC’)); To sort a taxonomy in the admin view by a meta_value put this in your functions.php: add_action(‘get_terms_args’, ‘custom_get_terms_args’, 1, 2); function custom_get_terms_args($args, $taxonomies) …

Client Launches: Now Responsive

From the official press release on my recent work with the team “‘Our goal is to provide readers with a positive, consistent experience and easy access no matter where they are and regardless of their chosen device, be it a desktop computer, laptop, e-reader, tablet or smartphone’, says Jamie Martin, Experience Life’s digital initiatives …

How To Create Default Posts or Pages in a WordPress Network Site

Add this to your default theme’s functions.php function grv_create_default_pages() { // Create New Default Page $args = array( ‘name’ => ‘new-default-page’, ‘post_type’ => ‘page’, ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’, ‘showposts’ => 1, ‘caller_get_posts’=> 1 ); $default_page = array( ‘name’ => ‘new default page’, ‘post_title’ => ‘NEW DEFAULT POST TITLE’, ‘post_content’ => ‘lorem ipsum dolor’, ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’, …

Client Launches: &

I’m happy to announce two new client sites launched this week: one for Experience Life magazine and one for Minneapolis advertising and design studio . Both sites are powered by a heavily-customized WordPress installation. The Experience Life effort included the development of a system to migrate 10 years of archives, comments, assets, URLs (including shortened …

How to Share Sidebars Across a WordPress Network

On a recent WordPress Network (WPMU) project, I’ve needed to display the same sidebar and associated widgets across all the sites in the entire network. Since switch_to_blog() has been deprecated and an attempt at monkey-patching sent me deeper into the bowels of WordPress than I felt was warranted… I turned all the necessary widgets into …

WordPress + Thickbox Requires Markup

I’ve been fighting with getting the contents of a WordPress page to display within Thickbox. The great thing about WordPress, is that wiring this up is super straight forward. Tell WordPress you want to use thickbox in your theme by adding it to the functions.php file function init_theme_method() { add_thickbox(); } add_action(‘init’, ‘init_theme_method’); Update the …

Thesis’s Next Opportunity: Un-WordPress Itself

A long running controversy in the WordPress community was resolved this week when the popular, commercial theme Thesis was re-licensed making it compatible with WordPress’s own GPL license. This re-licensing confirms WordPress themes and plugins must be released under the GPL. This is great news for the WordPress community for it reinforces the type of …

Adding Custom Fields to an Existing Post via XMLRPC in WordPress

If you’re having difficulty adding custom fields to an existing WordPress posts via XMLRPC’s metaWeblog.EditPost command, try including a dummy entry in your code. It worked for me. I’m working on a project where we’re programmatically adding WordPress custom field data to thousands of posts, seemed like a great job for XMLRPC. I had assumed …

What’s Wrong with WordPress?

You know I’m a big fan of WordPress. For nearly 5 years, I’ve considered it the only online publishing platform worth considering. I’ve built a number of plug-ins for it over the years(WP-iPodcatter, WP-iCal, WP-GotLucky, and WP-CaTT) of which I only use WP-iCal these days. Since then, WordPress has taken off. While they still have …

WordPress URL Shortening Hack

My last post, Publishers Shorten Yourself, got me thinking about easy, low-tech ways to provide a short url for WordPress blogs. Turns out, just 1 line of code is needed in the .htaccess file. RewriteRule ^(d+)$ http://[YOUR-BLOG-URL]/?p=$1 Add it in just after RewriteBase so your .htaccess looks something like this: # BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> …