First Crack 63. Coffee Technology with Timothy Tulloch of

Timoth Tulloch, CEO and Roastmaster at Minnesota-based European Roasterie (, and I talk coffee technology, from brewing to packaging, and why he’s aggressively moving into the single-serve coffee pod program (declaring the Black & Decker Home Cafe the best pod brewer). We wrap up with the culture of specialty coffee and how independent coffee shops can win against Starbucks.

I’ve been really enjoying their Mulawi and the new theme song is by Jeremy Piller.

Listen to Coffee Technology with Timothy Tulloch of [27 min]

2 replies on “First Crack 63. Coffee Technology with Timothy Tulloch of”

  1. Enjoyable interview, Garrick, thank you. I’m as surprised as you to learn that he’s getting into pod coffee; now I’m curious to try his offerings. I’ll have to find someone who admits to owning one of those brewers.

    I listened to this while playing with my nearly three-year-old son. When we came to the end of the episode and I went to put on music instead, he protested: “No, I want to listen to the coffee one! Timothy Tulloch.” So we listened to it again.

  2. AWESOME!!!! It’s hard to find a good podcast, let alone much of anything on the net or even books about roasting coffee. Keep up the periodic roasting podcasts. they are very much appreciated. Cupping would also be a good podcast, but would be best with references to coffee cuppers handbook- too many people on the net describe cupping without even mentioning the invaluable info included in the book! Anyway keep up the great work, and thank you! Jeremy

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