NetGear Skype WiFi Phone Available for Pre-Order

I’ve been anxiously awaiting something like the NetGear Skype WiFi Phone. The potential is huge – if only to un-tether me from the laptop for podcast calls. This’d be great for taking calls around the house, out in the garage, or chilling in the backyard.

UPDATE 18 May 2006: Linksys just announced their WiFi Phone. Not specifically for Skype. Looks like any other SIP 2.0 protocol

One reply on “NetGear Skype WiFi Phone Available for Pre-Order”

  1. Very cool development. Given how something like half of my cell calls are at home, where wifi is nearly as ubiquitous as air, this would be great.

    What I’m *really* waiting for, though is something that will let old analog devices that rely on phone lines (alarm systems, satellite receivers, older fax machines), etc. to be able to use either ethernet or WiFi. I have a Qwest line entirely for my satellite receiver to get updates/phone home and for my fax machine. That runs me $30 a month because VOIP won’t handle those older devices well.

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