Not Amused

“My life is filled with all kinds of entertainment, I never have a chance to see it all. – Dave Winer”

Over the past few months, I’ve been more conscious of entertainment – which I’m broadly classifying as stuff that’s not directly or indirectly related to building the tomorrow I want.

There’s much more of this during my day then I initially realized. Just like when I paid more attention to my sugar consumption. This makes it much easier to be more deliberate about. Which is building the tomorrow I want.


“So this expensive gadget doesn’t solve your real problems, but look how user-friendly it is” – bad_user

“Chindōgu is the Japanese art of inventing ingenious everyday gadgets that, on the face of it, seem like an ideal solution to a particular problem. However, chindōgu has a distinctive feature: anyone actually attempting to use one of these inventions would find that it causes so many new problems, or such significant social embarrassment, that effectively it has no utility whatsoever”

Suddenly, I’m reminded of so many Kickstarter projects.

Towards a New Beer City

“I think it’s very real, it’s here to stay. We’re on the cusp of a movement here and I think we’ll probably replicate what Portland or Denver have in terms of 80 or 90 craft breweries.” – Peter Remes, president First & First.

Last week Tom Elko and I went to Stouts Pub for beers. We did a tasting tour of Minnesota craft breweries:

Congrats to Minneapolis and Minnesota for having a so many delicious beer options that aren’t Summit – or even Surly. What a difference a few years and a few legislative changes can make.