It’s Actually a Trilby
Just Passed the BJCP Entrance Exam.
After mostly correctly answering 200 randomly questions on all aspects of brewing, beer styles, and running BJCP competitions, I’m now a Provisional BJCP Judge.
Now to study for the tasting exam.
By Contrast
Not Amused
Over the past few months, I’ve been more conscious of entertainment – which I’m broadly classifying as stuff that’s not directly or indirectly related to building the tomorrow I want.
There’s much more of this during my day then I initially realized. Just like when I paid more attention to my sugar consumption. This makes it much easier to be more deliberate about. Which is building the tomorrow I want.
Someday, Sucker
Suddenly, I’m reminded of so many Kickstarter projects.
Over my Shorts
Open Loop #6 – Loppet 2013
A conversation with Eric Goplin (Director of Minnesota Kubb and Team Captain for Tad Kubbler) about the 2013 Loppet Kubb Tournament (register now).