Now I Don’t Need To Write This Myself.
This my response to OccupyWallStreet.
I’ve got three kids. A house in the burbs. Working for myself.
And not that long ago, society, and my student loan provider said, “we don’t believe in you.”
Even then I had no idea what that meant.
Today, I don’t have time to camp out in a public park – I’ve got work to do.
“…the web is more cared for than owned”
As a follow up to my “Tomorrow It’s Amazon & Mozilla & Samsung” – a little self-promotion from your friends at Mozilla Firefox.
Like but Verify
Unfortunately, the metrics used in measuring success conflict with the notion of verification. Verification slows down the number of “shares”. Worse, the interfaces within the sites offering these voting gestures (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Hacker News, Google, etc) make it far more difficult to verify and the make the gesture – than to just make the gesture.
Then again, this issue only exists for people using these sites. In the same way, the MPR interrupting regular programming with a pledge drive is only an issue for listeners.
DiveIntoMark Opts-Out
The requested resource
is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address. Please remove all references to this resource.” – 10 Oct 2011
Breaking inertia is hard work. It puts up a good fight, has the upper hand, and knows when you’re not serious.
This is why the Atkins diet starts with an Induction phase and the U.S. Army starts with bootcamp.
Want to make a big change? Want to break inertia? You gotta seriously fuck shit up right from the start. And hold it for 30 days.
Go Vegan.
Deactivate your Facebook.
Turn off the radio.
Stop engaging that person that makes you feel badly about yourself.
Disengage that aspect of your life that no longer makes you profoundly and annoyingly giddy.
Drop 410s on your websites.
Opt out.
Mark Pilgrim’s work was inspiring. His departure should be equally inspiring.
(Mark – if you’re interested in providing background material for the Opt Out book – my email’s in the right column. Thanks.)
Walden Persists
For the Win?
Back at the beginning of my career, my then creative director decided the best way to bring in new business to our nascent agency was to win design awards.
Not knowing any better – we all cheered and put our collective nose to the grindstone. Developing the concept, the interactions, the flow, all for a award-winning, self-promotion piece. I was responsible for programming the Director-based CD-ROM (yes, that’s how long ago it was). Once we all sufficiently tested the CD-ROM, it was duplicated and entered.
And, to all but our creative director’s surprise – the piece was included in the design annual (‘bronze’ or ‘notable mention’ or something like that). Yet – the phones didn’t start ringing and the desperately-needed new business didn’t materialize. I left about 6 months later. Then the creative director left. The shop itself folded by year’s end.
Remembering that project brings a stale and empty taste to my mouth. Like finding out a joke you’ve been retelling was offensive. It changed how I measure winning and the types of projects I take on.
To this day – it pains me to see so many professionals distracting themselves with contests rather than the hard work of making something meaningful that lasts.
Notice, the animal in the top cartoon is a chicken and the animals, stuck in the barn are pigs.
Reminds me of a story about the difference between a contribution and a commitment.
FOSS Abhors a Vaccuum
You know, I could have sworn we already had a Linux-based, mobile-optimized operating system, with a HTML/Javascript-based application development environment.
I guess purgatory isn’t the same as open source.
Fire – Amazon Launched Their Sputnik Today
At the beginning of the month – before I knew anything of today’s Amazon Fire announcement – I announced that Amazon (along with Mozilla and Samsung) were going to be tomorrow’s tech innovation leaders.
Scanning through the Amazon Fire page I was immediately struck by how it neatly integrates everything Amazon has been working on to date; eBooks, streaming media, frustration-free packaging, Amazon Prime – it’s all in there. (I’m sure will be there next week)
Undoubtedly, this is a Sputnik from Amazon to Apple. The iPad was once the most vertically integrated, commerce-oriented, mobile device. Today, it’s the Amazon Fire.
Every single interaction with the Amazon Fire is a commercial one. Even just browsing the web..
Which means the Amazon Fire is also a Sputnik to Facebook and Google. There’s no need to encourage web publishers to include +1 and ‘Like’ buttons on their websites when every single request goes through your servers. There’s no need to get called on the carpet for dropping more cookies when someone logs out when – again – every single request goes through your servers. There’s no need to announce redesigned, more marketer-friendly page layouts when – lastly – every single request goes through your servers.
Many years ago, I smiled when I was crunching server logs and all the traffic seemed to come from northern Virginia. Tomorrow it may come from a small handful of EC2 zones. Maybe Amazon will be generous enough to forward the geolocation data in the Silk browser requests.
Yes – I have one on pre-order.