- an apocalypse of snakes
- a pot of water buffalos
- a tower of giraffes
- a boil of hawks
- a sneak of weasels
- a cabinet of yaks
- a smack of jellyfish
- a cream of turkeys
- a bale of turtles
Culled from Wikipedia’s List of Animal Names
About time. And product. And being more deliberate.
Culled from Wikipedia’s List of Animal Names
In the ‘machine shop’ in the basement – I don’t have many tools. Even fewer of any quality. Even so, there are 2 screwdrivers that I’ve had for decades . These 2 screwdrivers have never let me down – whatever I ask of them.
My accumulation of computer gadgets is similar. Despite the volume of technology in my house – only a small fraction of it is ready for service – day in and day out.
“The risk to the ’Web is not so much that open standards become extinct, such as RSS, but that more and more creativity, energy, and money goes into developing stylish, easy-to-use, incompatible silos.” – via Kroc Camen, translated from Streit um Internet-Nutzung: Komfort schlägt Freiheit
Remember the May 6, 2010 Flash Crash – that caused the Dow to drop 1000 points in manner of seconds (and almost immediately completely rebound)?
It was caused by a high-frequency trading bot. The Atlantic has an enjoyable write-up on the these bots – turns out – we don’t know what the hell they’re trying to do.
The software engineer profiled in the article posts some of more bizarre trading behavior these bots on his Market Crop Circle of the Day blog.
Super fun stuff.
- The App Store terms apply to GPLed software in the App Store.
- Those terms force strict Usage Rules on customers that prohibit many
activities that are allowed under the GPL.- Those restrictions are not allowed under GPLv2 section 6.
Again, if any of you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them. – Brett Smith, Licensing Compliance Engineer, Free Software Foundation
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” – e.e. cummings
“There are a lot of people that don’t start making money until you briefly forget who you are.” – Merlin Mann