
“So this expensive gadget doesn’t solve your real problems, but look how user-friendly it is” – bad_user “Chindōgu is the Japanese art of inventing ingenious everyday gadgets that, on the face of it, seem like an ideal solution to a particular problem. However, chindōgu has a distinctive feature: anyone actually attempting to use one of …

Time is an Illusion

“The idea was born of a conversation with a friend about how much our wanting to know the time was useful and how much was just an addiction to some bit of knowledge that didn’t help us — something that made us feel better prepared, but didn’t make us any wiser.” – Erik Kennedy

Jim’s Paleo Media Diet

“I just believe that my brain is maladapted to the networked Skinner Box, so I want out. My brain is plastic, but not in a sufficiently adaptive way. In fact it’s probably adapting just fine, but in a fashion that creates a destructive feed forward loop.” – Jim Stogdill