First Crack 98. I Drink Coffee From a Cat’s Butt

“It really does taste different: musty, heavy, rich, strangely complex. Hints of chocolate, old wood, hazelnut. Fresh out of the roaster, it smelled a bit like a newborn baby’s urine.” – Sam Buchanan On the first nice Saturday of the year, Sam Buchanan and I met at Coffee and Tea Ltd for a $10 cup …

Garrick’s 80 SXSW 2007 Showcasing Artist Picks

When I started listening exactly 3 weeks ago, I was tossing out so many songs, I started wondering if there was anything fun and interesting in the 739 tracks. In fact, true to Sturgeon’s Law, 89% of the tracks didn’t do anything for me. Follows are the 80 tracks that, listen after listen, both pulled …

AppleScript: Send iTunes Playlist to MarsEdit

In preparation for declaring my picks from the 2007 SXSW Showcasing Artist tracks, I’ve put together an Applescript that pulls the track names, artists, ratings, and comments from an iTunes playlist and sends them to MarsEdit for blog posting. The script even makes a half-hearted attempt to guess the artist’s website and direct mp3 link. …

Thank God

“The church I focus on in my article attracts 10,000 West Michigan suburbanites each Sunday. It meets in what used to be shopping mall. They’ve converted over the WHOLE MALL–with shops now serving as Sunday school classrooms and meeting spaces for events throughout the week.” – Zack Exley Deserted shopping malls and Super Wal-Marts are …