Fermenting the Web

“The message is simple and exciting. When the time is right, a very small number of people with a clear vision can build something with huge impact. I’m not talking about making huge numbers show up in their bank accounts.” – Dave Winer (I like to think of this as fermentation)


No matter how much I use [my iPad] to check email, surf the web, or tag photos on Facebook, I’m still gnawed at by a horrifying emptiness that no amount of fiddling with your magical gadget can fill. – Sam Weiner

By Contrast

“Life lasts a long time. You can disappear or be useless for weeks. If you are coming off several years of hard work, you can disappear and be useless for months… and the only impact that it will have on your success is that it will make you more successful.” – Bryan Goldberg

Not Amused

“My life is filled with all kinds of entertainment, I never have a chance to see it all. – Dave Winer” Over the past few months, I’ve been more conscious of entertainment – which I’m broadly classifying as stuff that’s not directly or indirectly related to building the tomorrow I want. There’s much more of …