Best Buy Focuses on Personas

Best Buy has taken the first step in their persona-centric model. According to the Wall Stree Journal’s Analyzing Customers, Best Buy Decides Not All Are Welcome, the sales associates have received training to briefly interview customers to determine if they are a Barry, Jill, or Ray Buzz. In an effort to keep their store relevant …

First Crack 04. Better Coffee and the State of Reality TV

I give you some tips on making better coffee at home with the Melitta Mill & Brew 10-Cup Coffeemaker, Black, coffee shops strategies in the Twin Cities, and rant on the poor state of reality television. Featured in PodCat’s Best of Podcasting Oct 29 Listen to Better Coffee and the State of Reality TV [22 …

A Systems Thinking Overview

As an introduction to the perspective Working Pathway’s brings to your project, I present this excellent overview of systems thinking from the late Donella Meadows: Dancing with Systems. Here are some highlights to get you started: “Before you disturb the system in any way, watch how it behaves.” “Aid and encourage the forces and structures …