Now I Don’t Need To Write This Myself.

Generation X is beyond all that bullshit now. It quit smoking and doing coke a long time ago. It has blood pressure issues and is heavier than it would like to be. It might still take some ecstasy, if it knew where to get some. But probably not. Generation X has to be up really …


“LAST STEP IS SMASH CAGE, LIGHT BARN ON FIRE. DO THAT, YOU WIN.” – FAKE GRIMLOCK Related: Notice, the animal in the top cartoon is a chicken and the animals, stuck in the barn are pigs. Reminds me of a story about the difference between a contribution and a commitment.

Fire – Amazon Launched Their Sputnik Today

At the beginning of the month – before I knew anything of today’s Amazon Fire announcement – I announced that Amazon (along with Mozilla and Samsung) were going to be tomorrow’s tech innovation leaders. Scanning through the Amazon Fire page I was immediately struck by how it neatly integrates everything Amazon has been working on …