eBook Draft 1 Released

Late last night, I emailed the first draft of the eBook to those that pre-ordered it (hereby known as ‘The Backers’). This initial draft includes 27 posts from this blog tied into 6 larger themes (“What’s Wasted”, “I Don’t Care What Everyone Thinks”, “Omnipresence”, “Self-Containment”, “Listful”, “Unexpired Potential”). As I mentioned in my message …

Pre-Order eBook for Your iPad or Kindle – $25

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed I’ve been pointing to posts written 1, 2,…5 years ago. You may also notice that I’ve been rambling about ebooks as well. If you suspected I’m reviewing my 6+ year blog archive and curating it for an ebook – I am, and you are most …

Seth Godin on Book Publisher’s New Functions

This afternoon, I listened to Seth Godin’s 45 minute talk about now the economics of internet-based publishing and communication are changing book publishing. In short – ebooks aren’t it. In fact – it’s not actually about books at all. It’s about connecting people to ideas. Where the publisher has the people and is continually looking …

Restored: No Longer an iPad and iPod Touch Owner

Somewhere around 2004, I remember writing a post [1] about how I saw the need for more ‘internet-enabled’ applications. Essentially – software applications native to a desktop or laptop computer that sends and receives internet-based data. A simple example of this in the Mac world is, or Adium, or Tweetie. At the time I …

How to Consistently Un-motivate Yourself

“Less blogging, more jogging,” my friends.” – Alex Tabarrok The above quote is from an excellent post on how incentives – both their creation and manipulation – negatively influence motivation towards a goal. Feels like part of this phenomenon is covered by Goodhart’s Law (“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a …’s Interview With Garrick

Sebastian Brink from interviewed me about I took the opportunity to spell out some of the principles guiding Kernest’s ongoing development. I’m taking the liberty of re-posting this here for archival purposes. What is Ker­nest? What do you do? Ker­nest is an font direc­tory and web font ser­ving engine. The web font ser­ving …