What if You Forced Apple into the App Store?

If you’ll recall, back when the iPhone was first released, Steve Jobs declared the best way to build apps for it was to build websites. To which John Gruber replied: “If all you have to offer is a shit sandwich, just say it. Don’t tell us how lucky we are and that it’s going to …

URL Shorteners Are So Last Year

URL shorteners were all the rage in 2008 and 2009 – primarily due to the character constraints within the short messages service that was all the rage in 2008 and 2009 – Twitter. URL shorteners take a long url, for example, this Google Map url: http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&q=the+red+pepper,+plymouth,+mn&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&cid=1854680882426337660&li=lmd&z=14&iwloc=A and transform it into something like: http://tinyurl.com/y3lxdru Every URL …

Find ‘Twitter’, Replace with ‘Second Life’

In the past week both Apple and Twitter have carpet bombed on their respective development communities. As I’ve written about previously – I’ve been off Twitter now for nearly 2 months. This week an interesting switch flipped in my head. When I hear ‘Twitter’, my head replaces it with another corporate site I have little …

Safari is Apple’s Middleware

“And, obviously, such a meta-platform would be out of Apple’s control. Consider a world where some other company’s cross-platform toolkit proved wildly popular. Then Apple releases major new features to iPhone OS, and that other company’s toolkit is slow to adopt them.” – John Gruber Substitute “toolkit” for “website”. Now, remember when Jobs proudly announced: …

“…in order for a cap and trade scheme or a carbon tax to yield significant declines in our consumption of hydrocarbon fuels, policies would have to be geared to push the price of oil to at least $100/bbl. Meanwhile, however, our economy has done a tremendous job of becoming more energy efficient…” – Scott Grannis

How do I make a contribution to the U.S. government?

“Citizens who wish to make a general donation to the U.S. government may send contributions to a specific account called ‘Gifts to the United States.’ This account was established in 1843 to accept gifts, such as bequests, from individuals wishing to express their patriotism to the United States. Money deposited into this account is for …