Category: Wonderlick

Considering His Lyrics

For decades, I’ve been a fan of Tim Quirk’s lyrics. He has a way of expressing the melancholy of defeat with cutting brevity and a touch of wordplay. ‘Topless at the Arco Arena’ rolled through the iTunes this afternoon and I stopped to savor these three lines: Some rise by sin, Some by virtue fall, […]

First Crack 120. Wonderlick’s Tim Quirk on Truth Through Music

I’ve been a fan of Tim Quirk’s music for 20 years – easy. The playful melancholy in throughout his songwriting continually resonates with me. When he announced the new Wonderlick album was in the works and available for ‘name-your-price’ pre-order – I jumped on the opportunity. When I started hearing about how successful the campaign […]

Wonderlick “Topless at the Arco Arena” – Name Your Pre-Order Price

For nearly decades, I’ve been a big fan of anything by Jay Blumenfield, Tim Quirk, Sandy Smallens, or any combination thereof. So, yea, I’m pretty excited about the new Wonderlick album available for pre-order. Here’s the interesting bit: “…anyone who winds up paying more than the average donation will get his or her name in […]

Fear of Chicago

I’ve got two trips to Chicagoland already queued up for this summer. The first one is Saturday, May 19. When, of this writing, I’ll be spending some time on a go-cart in Buffalo Grove. The last time I attended one of these events, I was trapped on a permanetly-docked gambling boat near Aurora after dining […]