Unanimous Support for Unlicensed White Spaces

“The Federal Communications Commission voted 5-0 today to adopt rules for using the airwaves, known as white spaces.” Some ridiculous NPR story yesterday complained that the crowded nature of metropolitan airwaves prevent this from being useful to the vast majority of Americans. The point isn’t urban America – the benefit is to rural America. My …

How do I make a contribution to the U.S. government?

“Citizens who wish to make a general donation to the U.S. government may send contributions to a specific account called ‘Gifts to the United States.’ This account was established in 1843 to accept gifts, such as bequests, from individuals wishing to express their patriotism to the United States. Money deposited into this account is for …

My Proposal for Wal-Mart to Replace the US Postal Service

“With this program, we’re able to provide consumers in every rural town or big city across America with … a convenient, free mail delivery system.” – John Agwunobi, Wal-Mart division president In continuing my mental exercise on replacing the USPS I was stuck with solving the problem of delivery and drop-off for rural America. Especially …

Mental Excercise: Replace the US Postal Service

Yesterday, NPR discussed the challenges of the US Postal Service after reporting a $3.8 billion revenue loss for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009. The revenue loss corresponded to a reported 13% decline in mail volume. I’ve noticed a significant decrease on my end since Dec 2007 as well. For the 2008 and 2009 …

2010: The Great Restart

I could stare at this image all day. Continually riding its roller coaster in my head – watching geo-political events, holidays, elections, and family gatherings, all unfold. Whether we call it the Great Recession or the Great Nominal Spending Crash1 – I don’t think we’ve seen the interesting part yet. I predict a dramatic recovery …