I left a meeting this afternoon and as I walked through unfamiliar parking garage nothing looked familiar. The number 722 directing the way. After the first lap and not seeing 700s, I realized I didn’t understand how the different levels were laid out. I got back in the elevator and picked a different level. Found …
Category Archives: General
Liberating Iraq for….China?
“So, not surprisingly, [China] seeks to resurrect old oil-field deals it had with Saddam in Iraq. Did I not say this would happen? Our blood, their oil. When I was in Beijing in 2004, I told everyone I met with that China should have 50k peacekeepers in Iraq, because in the end, it would mostly …
Where Was I?
Where was I last week? I don’t know either. Doesn’t matter, I’m back. Let’s rock.
Web Apps, the New Lock-in, and the Opposite of Backup
Over at MNteractive.com, we’ve been talking about how to close your MySpace account. Leaving sites like MySpace and Friendster should be straight forward – simply delete me. Disconnecting me from all my ‘friends’. No biggy. Not letting me do that is both a privacy issue and a Google juice problem. Sites like YouTube and Flicker …
Continue reading “Web Apps, the New Lock-in, and the Opposite of Backup”
Babe Ruth: 1330 Strike Outs – 714 Home Runs
Steve is wondering how to break through the din of our post-scarcity world. I see the lowering of the barriers to publishing very much an opportunity. An opportunity to move faster, publish faster, and continue to lower the barriers for getting interesting applications out to the world. Evan says this is Obvious. The photo Steve …
Continue reading “Babe Ruth: 1330 Strike Outs – 714 Home Runs”
Military Coupe? Let’s Go Shopping
After being in Thailand for only a few days I was shocked to read that I had 15 new messages. “Are you okay?” was the common headline. I was eating yogurt with bananas and felt quite fine. I was puzzled by the sudden dramatic concern for my well being. – Brenda
Suburban Living Not Cheaper Than Urban Living
File under Things You Already Knew: “The costs of longer commutes are so high that they can outweigh the cheaper mortgage payments [of suburban living].” – Washington Post (Thanks to GroovyGreen.com for the pointer)
I’m Still In Here
The office I’m spending the day in has motion detectors on the lights. I sat too perfectly still for too long and the room went black. Hey. I’m still in here.
Severe Cold Alert
Monday night, I stopped by the Target cold and flu aisle on the way home from the Emerging Digerati presentation. I’m thankful that cold remedy makers put they symptoms on the box front; body ache, sore throat, fever, headache. Tuesday, all the symptoms were turned up to 11. The few conversations I had, were hastily …
Slow Marketing
“slow marketing is a focus on human, one-on-one connections” – Evelyn Rodriguez The great thing about technologies like RSS, is their low-committment persistence, their bias for – as Evelyn calls it – ‘slow marketing’. For example, take real estate. It’s a big purchase occurring infrequently. Most of the time, I’m not looking for or buying …