Category: ID3 Magazine

Down and Dirty Listener-Centric Podcasts Metrics Thoughts

The article I whipped up for ID3 Magazine on a listener-to-podcaster metrics method is up; Trees Falling in the Forest: Lowering the Barriers of Connecting Podcasters and their Listeners. In it, I use Applescript to connect iTunes to WordPress as a way for listeners to rank and send rankings of individual podcasts to the podcasters.

ID3 – The Podcast Magazine Site Launches

Kris Smith and Todd Andrlik launched ID3 – Podcast Magazine website yesterday. Yes, that’s right – they’re working on a bimonthly print publication covering podcasting. It’s an interesting project, one I’ll be tracking and talking about more. Especially considering I’m on the ID3 Podcast Magazine Editorial Board. To me, the most interesting bit is to […]