I’m extremely pleased to announce an update to WishRSS. You can now purchase items from your friend’s WishList and for them, just click the “Purchase for WishList Owner” link in the list’s webpage or in the RSS feed. Of course, if you’d rather purchase it for yourself, there’s the “Purchase for Yourself” link. Enjoy. WishRSS.
Category Archives: PHP
Introducing WP-CaTT
Here’s the WordPress Technorati Tag plugin I mentioned a few posts back. WP-CaTT appends a link in a post’s category listings to the corresponding Technorati Tag page. In the case of this site, it’s the “(t)” you see in the category listing just above this post. Download WP-CaTT v1.0 For suggestions, comments, and all other …
Introducing the WP-iCal Plugin
The WP-iCal plugin turns WordPress into a multi-author, online calendar. The plugin takes any posts in a ‘Calendar’ category and writes them to an .ics file ready for subscription into Apple’s iCal or other vCal-friendly app. All information on WP-iCal, including the latest version, comments (even the ones that were here), and version history is …