Introducing ‘Expand’ – My Twitter-driven Newsletter

Each weekday morning I publish 3 actionable messages – on Twitter, LinkedIn, – to inspire you to make dramatic improvements in your professional and personal lives. On Friday afternoons, I count up the reposts, favorites, and replies for each of these 15 messages across all 3 social networks. For the 3 messages receiving the …

Client Launches: Now Responsive

From the official press release on my recent work with the team “‘Our goal is to provide readers with a positive, consistent experience and easy access no matter where they are and regardless of their chosen device, be it a desktop computer, laptop, e-reader, tablet or smartphone’, says Jamie Martin, Experience Life’s digital initiatives …

Introducing – The Minimalist Writing on All Your Devices

“the perfect web based writing tool.” – Patrick Rhone On any given day, I’ll be interacting with 4-6 different internet-enabled devices (multiple laptops, a handheld, a couple of tablets) the only quality they share is a decent browser and I wanted a fast, simple way to update my writing across all of them. All the …

Introducing: The Daily Reality Planner

“Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.” – President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Nov 14, 1957 If you’re like me, you’ve continually struggled with answering 1 question: “Where did today go?” To Do lists are helpful in identifying what should be done. Assigning those To Do items a date and time on the calendar declares when … “Monetizing Social”

There certainly have been experiments, such as’s “Real Time Ads,” which sells a local businesses widget space to display their Twitter feed. This way, the business directly controls what is displayed on the site and the advertising has the potential to be more effective because of it’s social nature and users can engage it. … eBook Draft 1 Released

Late last night, I emailed the first draft of the eBook to those that pre-ordered it (hereby known as ‘The Backers’). This initial draft includes 27 posts from this blog tied into 6 larger themes (“What’s Wasted”, “I Don’t Care What Everyone Thinks”, “Omnipresence”, “Self-Containment”, “Listful”, “Unexpired Potential”). As I mentioned in my message …

Pre-Order eBook for Your iPad or Kindle – $25

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed I’ve been pointing to posts written 1, 2,…5 years ago. You may also notice that I’ve been rambling about ebooks as well. If you suspected I’m reviewing my 6+ year blog archive and curating it for an ebook – I am, and you are most …

Fontue Font Optimization Workflow – Open Sourced

With the Fontue web font server open sourced, I’ve done the same for the workflow scripts I use to to generate the fonts for @font-face use. It’s a pair of scripts that pipe fonts in and out of other conversion programs like FontForge, sfnt2woff, Batik, and EOTFast. Along the way, doing a little clean up …

Kernest’s Web Font Serving Engine – Fontue – Now Open Source

I’ve talked to a number of people and organizations that want to start adding web fonts to their websites – but aren’t comfortable relying on a third-party service for something so integral to their online presence. With that in mind, I’m pleased to announced that Kernest‘s underlying web font serving engine – dubbed Fontue – …

Passenger + Sinatra Tip: DocumentRoot is Always /public

I was getting 403 errors after deploying my newest Sinatra app with Passenger. Turns out Passenger assumes and requires a /public folder. This app is so tiny and new, it didn’t have one yet – so I was pointing Passenger at the app’s root. Resulting in the 403 errors. Solution: Create an empty /public folder …