Wednesday, 4 May 2005

Wednesday, 6 April 2005

WishRSS Now Offers Buy for List Owner

I’m extremely pleased to announce an update to WishRSS. You can now purchase items from your friend’s WishList and for them, just click the “Purchase for WishList Owner” link in the list’s webpage or in the RSS feed. Of course, if you’d rather purchase it for yourself, there’s the “Purchase for Yourself” link.

Enjoy. WishRSS.

Thursday, 24 February 2005

Introducing the gFeed

The other morning I was looking for an easy way to test all my feeds. After a few minutes of tracking down the latest magpierss and some lunchtime programming, I’m happy to present the gFeed.

The gFeed pulls all my posts at, the First Crack Podcast,, the Work Better Weblog, and my Flickr Gallery into a single site and single RSS.

Currently it’s a straight text and image feed, no mp3 enclosures (i.e. podcasts) or links in the post’s body. For now, you’ll have to click over to the original post for that stuff.

I’m not sure if the gFeed will be useful to anyone but myself, let me know either way.

If you’re interested in how I modified magpierss to aggregate the sites, continue reading.

  1. Open up a magpie_simple.php and create an array (I put it at line 3) with all the sites you want to aggregate:
    $urls = array (
  2. After that, create an array for all the posts to live in.

    $allitems = array();
  3. Now replace magpie’s existing ‘if ($url)’ with ‘foreach($urls as $url)’ like this

    Change this:

    if ( $url ) {
    	$rss = fetch_rss($url);

    To This:

    foreach ($urls as $url) {
    	$rss = fetch_rss($url);
  4. Next, I grab the title and link from each of the specified feeds and parse through each of the items in the feeds. For each item in the feed, I grab the title, link, description, publication date, guid, and timestamp.
    	$channel = $rss->channel['title'];
    	$channellink = $rss->channel['link'];
             foreach ($rss->items as $item) {
    		$title = $item['title'];
    		$href = $item['link'];
    		$desc = $item['description'];
    		$date = $item['pubdate'];
    		$guid = $item['guid'];
    		$ts = $item['date_timestamp'];
  5. Before closing out the ‘foreach()’ function, I add all that data to the $allitems array.
        array_push($allitems, array($ts,
              "channel" =>$channel,
              "channellink" => $channellink,
              "title" => $title,
              "href" =>$href,
              "pubdate" =>$date,
  6. Now, sort all the items by their timestamp
  7. Finally, we spit out the items:
    foreach ($allitems as $item) {
    	echo $item['href'];
    	echo $item['title'];
    	echo $item['desc'];
    	echo $item['channellink'];
    	echo $item['channel'];

Hope this is helpful in creating your own personal gFeed, or jFeed, or cFeed, or whathaveyou.

Thursday, 17 February 2005

A Mac Mini in the Living Room

Since the release of the Mac Mini, I’ve been looking for reasons to pick one up. Currently, there’s a G4 tower in my basement and I’d like to return it to the 20th Century.


Here’s what I’m thinking:

  1. Plug the Mac Mini into my TV, and use either the El Gato EyeTV Wonder or Plextor ConvertX as a personal video recorder.
  2. Use the KeySpan Remote Control to control the PVR, the Mini’s DVD player, iTunes, iPhoto, and Skype from the couch
  3. Use the Mini as a file server and WiFi base station to the rest of the computers on the network

In theory, it sounds pretty slick, a true Digital Hub. In practice, I’m less optimistic. I’d rather not have to navigate the Mac OS from the couch.

Two things require further investigation:

  1. Can a specific key on the KeySpan can be mapped to each of the applications?
  2. Are the PVRs reliable with broadcast, over-the-air TV?

Has anyone tried something like this in their own home?