Twitter Updates for 2008-02-01

potty training stats: hours to pants ratio; 3:5 # "treat your users as owners"…another principle behind @cullect – cullect/1: # "The slicker you make your show, the more it looks like a Pepsi commercial. It also gets less interesting to me " … # IL2: MPR’s rebroadcast of last night’s debates. Definitely not …

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-28

@geniodiabolico inspired by one of your tweets, I heavily refactored @cullect all weekend. So heavily, I need a new MC. Who’s your favorite? # @gapingvoid, "hey, they’re Parisian literary purists – they’re going to bitch and moan anyway." Brilliant! cullect/1: # @geniodiabolico – Chuck D is works. I’m versioning w/ ‘MC’ or ‘Mc’ or …

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-25 is about to launch. I’m interested, even it if involves newspapers. cullect/1: # my initial impressions when seeing the opening shots of GigaOm TV : ‘boring’ or ‘porn’. Neither sound interesting. # spent his morning alternating between business taxes and potty training. The former is in the mail. The later is maybe …