Monday, 4 February 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-04

  • @CraigPratchett – my review of Born Rich from June ’06 #
  • just got pulled into – yah, even w/ it’s downtime, Twitter is my favorite and my best #
  • is @ Kopplins for my first day back doing client work….well for the next 39 minutes of battery life. #
  • @geniodiabolico, just wanted to share the frustration with making usable. Like iTunes, I want a far more flexible alternative. #

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Friday, 1 February 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-01

  • potty training stats: hours to pants ratio; 3:5 #
  • "treat your users as owners"…another principle behind @cullect – cullect/1: #
  • "The slicker you make your show, the more it looks like a Pepsi commercial. It also gets less interesting to me "
  • IL2: MPR’s rebroadcast of last night’s debates. Definitely not agreeing w/ HC’s economics (healthcare & mortgage). #

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Thursday, 31 January 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-31

  • Guiliani’s presidential campaign was a manifestation of New York City arrogance. #
  • is looking for people w/ blogs that they can add javascript widgets onto to test a new feature of @cullect. DM me. kthxbye. #
  • proving the future is already here: "policy changes begin to affect the economy as soon as they are anticipated" cullect/53: http://cull#
  • @timelliott -re: @Scobleizer I was thinking the same thing. If being deleted from FB is your biggest problem… #
  • is spending the morning working on the benefits of @cullect for _feed publishers_. Stunned that so few aggregators consider the publisher. #

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Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-30

  • after forgetting about it for ~2 years, one of the very 1st features for ‘feedseeder’ came back to me this morning. It now awaits deployment #
  • @geniodiabolico – as both listener and a publisher I’ve found it overly complex and fragile. #
  • confirms my feelings that the economy is only bad because it’s an election year. #
  • @geniodiabolico, to follow up, the forthcoming version of @cullect is nicknamed ‘Fear of an Evil Genius’. It’ll be in the user-agent string. #
  • @tweet140 I don’t think you should expect all tweets to be 140. :p #

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Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Monday, 28 January 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-28

  • @geniodiabolico inspired by one of your tweets, I heavily refactored @cullect all weekend. So heavily, I need a new MC. Who’s your favorite? #
  • @gapingvoid, "hey, they’re Parisian literary purists – they’re going to bitch and moan anyway." Brilliant! cullect/1: #
  • @geniodiabolico – Chuck D is works. I’m versioning w/ ‘MC’ or ‘Mc’ or ‘Mac’ s. tweet is #
  • has reached inbox 0. #
  • @croncast – I played w/ Joost prolly 6mn ago. New ways to get Big Media don’t excite me, so I uninstalled shortly there after. #
  • asks: anyone know of something like FlickrFan, but for Twitter? #
  • @stefanhartwig – something I can put on my mac mini + tv. #
  • @stefanhartwig – Apple’s RSS Headline screensaver is close. Thanks. #

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Sunday, 27 January 2008

Saturday, 26 January 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-26

  • watching season 1 of Torchwood via Netflix. Pretty good. Needs to either get darker or more humorous to be enjoyable long term. #
  • @jwynia, Top # lists are useless and why any on-demand/streaming service won’t beat Netflix for a while. J’s Top 100 is far more interesting #
  • a nice reminder that in more places than conventional wisdom allows, Wal-Mart is hope. cullect/53: #
  • 97.8% of Americans make more than minimum wage. cullect/53: #
  • Me: "Granola." Him: "Cooper, says it’s ‘granona’." #
  • @sborsch, last time I rented a place (~5 yrs ago) – we found it sitting in a coffee shop browsing the bulletin board. #

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Friday, 25 January 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-25

  • is about to launch. I’m interested, even it if involves newspapers. cullect/1: #
  • my initial impressions when seeing the opening shots of GigaOm TV : ‘boring’ or ‘porn’. Neither sound interesting. #
  • spent his morning alternating between business taxes and potty training. The former is in the mail. The later is maybe 25% of the way there. #
  • "given where the economy is right now and the best forecasts of where it is heading, the fiscal package seems unnecessary as a short-run … #

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Thursday, 24 January 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-24

  • @timelliott – I’m real anxious to listen to them (and some Talk Shows, and @gapingvoid’s latest, and an EconTalk). #
  • "may", "might", "could" are words that belong in fear-mongering propaganda….not Public Radio news reports. #
  • @timelliott – 65 feeds may not be as arbitrary as you think, @cullect reading lists feel best in that area
  • The Law of Unintended Consequences – something I’ve been thinking about his election season – cullect/53: #
  • catching up on twitter….missing that I can’t hide tweets I’m done with @ like I can elsewhere. 😉 #
  • @croncast – re: new theme. Thanks! #
  • posits 2 things; 1. things (news, invites, memes) move faster on twitter than on facebook. 2. things move faster on email than either. #
  • @misc – your feed import is complete: #
  • @pfhyper, @swirlspice – something I got in email 2 days ago is just hitting facebook now (actually it hasn’t hit twitter yet). #
  • @truetone – interesting. I have twitter, facebook, etc – email me all direct messages, so does that make email the best way to reach me? #

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