I’m concerned…

…that this is starting to look like systematic discrimination. …[the St. Anthony city council] originally approved the opening of his store but now are seeking to close it. St. Anthony City Council rejects Islamic center plan.


“The best solution is not to need money. The less you need investor money, (a) the more investors like you, in all markets, and (b) the less you’re harmed by bad markets” – Paul Graham

Open Space Tech: Guiding principles and one law

Whoever comes is the right peoplereminds participants that they don’t need the CEO and 100 people to get something done, you need people who care. And, absent the direction or control exerted in a traditional meeting, that’s who shows up in the various breakout sessions of an Open Space meeting. Whenever it starts is the …


a couple things I’ve written on the subject of third party buttons littering the web: from 2010 “In my experience, customer preferences move faster than website refresh schedules – so by the time the ‘Facebook Like’ button is integrated in a useful manner – the visitors changed their preference.” from 2006 “Once I’ve decided on …