Apple’s Weather Dashboard Widget Won’t Go Below 28F?

As you might have heard, we finally got winter here in the upper Midwest. Not the Christmas-fluffy-white-snow-perfect-for-skiing-and-hot-cocoa-winter, the death-to-all-who-venture-out-of-doors winter. Both and say it’s a brisk -2°F (one degree lower since my last post). Strangely, Apple’s Weather Dashboard Widget tells me it’s a tropical 28°F and snowing. It’s way too cold to snow …

February – One of My Two Least Favorite Months.

February and August are my least favorite months in the upper Midwest. For the same but opposite reasons – uncomfortable weather. February is when the cold and depression of winter finally sets in (11°F as I write this). The snow turns mean in the cold; short-sheeting the dormant brown grass and grating like fingernails on …