Garrick Speaking at U of M’s Wireless Cities Conference

Mark your calendars, on April 16th, Peter Fleck and I will be on a panel with TCDailyPlanet‘s Executive Director – Jeremy Iggers, and the U’s Christina Lopez talking about how ubiquitous internet access will change community news.

More info: Wireless Cities Conference, looks like it’s $75 for U students and staff, and $175 for the rest of us.

Many thanks to Peter for presenting the idea and collaborating on the pitch.

I’ve been cruising the archives to refresh my memory on the things I’ve written on this subject:

Peter recommended relistening to the recent Public Media recordings:

Peter’s post.

“…the success of muni WiFi as a means of public internet access isn’t something that comes easily or automatically,…” – Carlo @ Techdirt, Apr 10, 2007

“We’ve believed for some time that the real benefits of muni wireless could come from public service applications like remote meter-reading, security or public safety communications, with public internet access an added benefit on top.” – Carlo @ Techdirt, Jan 23, 2007

“……the best way to discover the conversations that are going on in your neighborhood—whether that’s where you live, where you work, or where you want to be. See what locals are saying right now, and share your own wisdom with your friends and neighbors.”

“After talking to a half-dozen publishers and funders of grassroots citizen media sites, I’ve come up with a series of lessons they’ve learned. These lessons can serve as a guide — rather than a template — for other hyper-local sites.” – Mark Glaser,

12 April 2007
First pass at my presentation: Garrick-WirelessCities-Presentation.pdf [5mb]

One thought on “Garrick Speaking at U of M’s Wireless Cities Conference

  1. Hi Garrick–I was just over at UThink and saw Peter’s post on the conference, which led me here. I’m excited about this panel, and looking forward to hearing what my fellow presenters have to say.

    Later today I’ll look at some of your previous posts on the subject. And if I can get my act together I’ll post a draft of my presentation on my own blog–hope you’ll stop over to take a look and make some comments.

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