for Curation

As I’ve mentioned before, our lives are multi-faceted. Each facet has its own community of trusted experts. Some are friends, other are colleagues, or simply authoritative in their field.

If you’ve been following my development of Cullect, then you know early on, I switched from the label ‘Editors’ to ‘Curators’ to describe the people behind a reading list.

Curation better describes the what I see as a core function of Cullect – making an easily shareable list of relevant items on a very specific theme. Culling the bad. Collecting the good.

Earlier this week, I talked with a consultancy about how Cullect’s theme-specific (practice area, industry, etc) reading lists could augment their internal knowledge sharing and client relationships. Curated knowledge from your trusted experts.

Last night, via Twitter, Mike Keliher points me to this:

“[Curators are] identifiable subject matter experts who dive through mountains of digital information and distill it down to its most relevant, essential parts.” – Steve Rubel,

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-04

  • @CraigPratchett – my review of Born Rich from June ’06 #
  • just got pulled into – yah, even w/ it’s downtime, Twitter is my favorite and my best #
  • is @ Kopplins for my first day back doing client work….well for the next 39 minutes of battery life. #
  • @geniodiabolico, just wanted to share the frustration with making usable. Like iTunes, I want a far more flexible alternative. #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-02-01

  • potty training stats: hours to pants ratio; 3:5 #
  • "treat your users as owners"…another principle behind @cullect – cullect/1: #
  • "The slicker you make your show, the more it looks like a Pepsi commercial. It also gets less interesting to me "
  • IL2: MPR’s rebroadcast of last night’s debates. Definitely not agreeing w/ HC’s economics (healthcare & mortgage). #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-01-31

  • Guiliani’s presidential campaign was a manifestation of New York City arrogance. #
  • is looking for people w/ blogs that they can add javascript widgets onto to test a new feature of @cullect. DM me. kthxbye. #
  • proving the future is already here: "policy changes begin to affect the economy as soon as they are anticipated" cullect/53: http://cull#
  • @timelliott -re: @Scobleizer I was thinking the same thing. If being deleted from FB is your biggest problem… #
  • is spending the morning working on the benefits of @cullect for _feed publishers_. Stunned that so few aggregators consider the publisher. #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-01-30

  • after forgetting about it for ~2 years, one of the very 1st features for ‘feedseeder’ came back to me this morning. It now awaits deployment #
  • @geniodiabolico – as both listener and a publisher I’ve found it overly complex and fragile. #
  • confirms my feelings that the economy is only bad because it’s an election year. #
  • @geniodiabolico, to follow up, the forthcoming version of @cullect is nicknamed ‘Fear of an Evil Genius’. It’ll be in the user-agent string. #
  • @tweet140 I don’t think you should expect all tweets to be 140. :p #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-01-28

  • @geniodiabolico inspired by one of your tweets, I heavily refactored @cullect all weekend. So heavily, I need a new MC. Who’s your favorite? #
  • @gapingvoid, "hey, they’re Parisian literary purists – they’re going to bitch and moan anyway." Brilliant! cullect/1: #
  • @geniodiabolico – Chuck D is works. I’m versioning w/ ‘MC’ or ‘Mc’ or ‘Mac’ s. tweet is #
  • has reached inbox 0. #
  • @croncast – I played w/ Joost prolly 6mn ago. New ways to get Big Media don’t excite me, so I uninstalled shortly there after. #
  • asks: anyone know of something like FlickrFan, but for Twitter? #
  • @stefanhartwig – something I can put on my mac mini + tv. #
  • @stefanhartwig – Apple’s RSS Headline screensaver is close. Thanks. #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-01-26

  • watching season 1 of Torchwood via Netflix. Pretty good. Needs to either get darker or more humorous to be enjoyable long term. #
  • @jwynia, Top # lists are useless and why any on-demand/streaming service won’t beat Netflix for a while. J’s Top 100 is far more interesting #
  • a nice reminder that in more places than conventional wisdom allows, Wal-Mart is hope. cullect/53: #
  • 97.8% of Americans make more than minimum wage. cullect/53: #
  • Me: "Granola." Him: "Cooper, says it’s ‘granona’." #
  • @sborsch, last time I rented a place (~5 yrs ago) – we found it sitting in a coffee shop browsing the bulletin board. #

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